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Saumil Parikh

(Executive Director)

Saumil is a dedicated and focused individual with over 11 years of experience in pharmaceutical industry across 3 continents. He has adapted to the requirements of the roles as offered to him and loves to take on new challenges. He has worked as a researcher and developed solutions to prevent counterfeiting of medicines, written and co-authored research articles and loves to volunteer for good causes.

Working for the wellbeing of people has been his passion and is evident in his roles be it prevention of counterfeiting, promoting family planning and raising awareness and prevention of drug and alcohol abuse in rural communities in India and Nigeria.

He was presented the Trendsetter award by Gujarat Innovation society for his patent on Anticounterfeit packaging foil. His varied experience and skills have helped him take on new roles and adapt to the requirements easily and has helped the companies solve challenging problems with ease. He is currently registered as a community pharmacist in Australia, and is an advocate for health and well-being for the community around him.